Our Office’s Covid-19 Protocols

Keeping You Safe

Barnes Foot and Ankle is always committed to making sure you feel safe in our clinic. During these difficult times, we havetaken more precautions to ensure the safety of all our patients and staff. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 within our clinic is a top priority.

All members of our staff regularly monitor the latest medical information concerning COVID-19, and we follow every guideline from the federal government, state government, the CDC, and the ADA as closely as possible.

New Office Standards

Every morning before coming into the clinic, our staff will be taking their temperatures. If it is 100  or above, our staff will not come into the clinic. They will stay home, monitor their symptoms, and get tested if necessary.  A positive COVID-19 test would result in our clinic taking the recommended CDC workplace protocols.

All staff membersare wearing masks. To further protect everyone in our office, we will sanitize all items touched by our staff that you may come in contact with, such as your credit card.

Patient Standards

We ask that patients wear a CDC approved face covering and comply to a temperature reading upon entering the clinic.

Gatherings of people can lead to the spread of COVID-19, therefore have limited our lobby area to two designated waiting chairs that are six feet apart. Our goal is to minimize contact between patients by limiting the number of people in our office.

Thank you for complying with our new safety protocols to help protect all our patients and staff.

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